The 11th season of YCP is almost finished and the crew continues to improve Grand Teton. This week was spent on a variety of tasks, ranging from trail maintenance in Garnet Canyon to learning about edible and medicinal uses of native plants in the area.

The crew feeling good after finishing their work on the Lucas Fabian Homestead. Photo by Elizabeth Koutrelakos.
Highlights of the week include hiking down from the top of the tram to clean drains, spotting a golden eagle, and celebrating the last day of work at the Lucas Fabian Homestead. Although the trail is not yet complete, the YCP crew has put a large dent into the project.
The crew is sore, tired, and blistered from a long season but still having lots of fun.

Always a good morning when it starts with a view like this. Photo by Elizabeth Koutrelakos.