The second official week of the YCP season has come to an end. Although many calories were lost during these days of hard work, significant improvements in GTNP are quite evident. The team performed a variety of work from preserving the historic fence by the Moulton Barn to working with Teton Interagency Fire Crews on a fire reduction project on Signal Mountain Road.

The crew standing with 180 wheelbarrows of asphalt they removed from the Lupine Meadows trail. Photo by Tim Anderson, YCP crew leader
On the trails, the group made great improvements of removing over 180 wheelbarrow loads of asphalt that once stretched 120 feet on the Lupine Meadows Trail. After restoring the area to a more natural feeling trail, the crew pushed through the week up the Amphitheater and Surprise Lake Trail, cleaning over 220 drains and removing fallen trees from the trail. We are so grateful to have such a motivated and hardworking crew this season!

Suprise Lake. Photo by Sarah, YCP crew member