Week nine of the Youth Conservation Program brought the season to a close for a handful of participants as they return to school and some embark on new journeys to college. However, as the crew gets smaller, they become more nimble and versatile. This week the crew was introduced to two long-time volunteer rangers who live in the patrol cabin on the northern shore of Leigh Lake—also known as the Jewel of the Tetons. The rangers, Peter and Jean, provided an informative talk on the history of the area before YCP got to work repairing a dilapidated hitch rail.

YCP crew members listen to volunteer backcountry rangers Jean and Pete share stories about the history of the cabin and Leigh Lake.
On Thursday, YCP members took one final long walk to Holly Lake, enjoyed the high elevation scenery, and cleaned draninage features on the hike out. Walking up canyon and then digging down canyon is a common trail crew technique to conserve energy and be as efficient as possible. In the final week, the crew will finish the hitch rail and the few remaining members will return home after a great summer on the trail in Grand Teton. Be sure to look for next week’s final entry of 2018 Trail Talk!

YCP tradition of one last hike to Holly Lake at the top of Paintbrush Canyon is long-standing favorite. Thank you YCP!