The fourteenth season of YCP has come to an end, and we are happy to report it was a very successful year. The crew and NPS leaders worked incredibly well together and had a truly memorable experience while providing a critical workforce for Grand Teton National Park. The final two weeks of the season included completing their summer-long project at Grand View Point, where they have contributed thousands of hours and built thousands of feet of new trail. Way to go YCP!
The crew also spent a full day clearing drains up Paintbrush Canyon and made it all the way to Holly Lake. In true YCP fashion, the group maintained the educational component of the program the last two weeks, meeting with Anne McKinney, the park’s archaeologist, as well as Peri Sasnett, a visual information specialist in Grand Teton.
Although the crew was reduced in size the last week due to some participants heading back to school or beginning college, all twenty-two members successfully fulfilled their promised time commitments. This is the first time in the program’s history that not a single person dropped off the crew. We would like to thank every YCP member for their dedication and strong work-ethic this summer, as well as the commitment and talented leadership of the NPS crew leaders. Congratulations on a great summer and we look forward to next year!