This week was the highlight of the YCP season. On Monday the crew was shuttled across Jackson Lake from Lizard Creek Campground to Wilcox Point. The Lower Berry Patrol Cabin served as their base camp for the week. This backcountry ranger station is a very special place that few people have the opportunity to enjoy.

Crew members rebuilding trail in Grand Teton’s north country.
The team spent their work week digging tread and rebuilding sections of trail that were destroyed by last year’s Berry Creek Fire. Their main focus area was Owl Canyon, as there was extensive damage in that area. The crew experienced a variety of weather on the job, from dusty and hot conditions to cold thunderstorms, but they still managed to accomplish significant work in the backcountry.

Taking a break and feeling accomplished in Owl Canyon.
With limited time on the last morning of their trip, YCP divided and conquered a variety of tasks: re-establishing trail in Webb Canyon, fixing the corral at the cabin, and cleaning camp prior to departure. All in all, the crew finished their week feeling exhausted but lucky to have spent time in such a special corner of Grand Teton National Park.

A week well spent in Grand Teton’s backcountry.