The YCP season is flying by! This week the crew completed some much-needed detail work on the Jenny Lake trail along the east shore near the visitor center. They worked with Matt Hazard, Grand Teton’s landscape architect, to put the finishing touches on the pathway. Team members moved and spread dirt, filled in gaps with crushed rock, and used their sweeping skills to beautify the area. Now the trail is almost ready for visitors!

YCP members work to complete the trail on the eastern shore of Jenny Lake.
On Wednesday, YCP had the great fortune of meeting with Jenny Lake Rangers to learn about the incredible work they do everyday. Participants had a ton of fun and finished their work day feeling both inspired and well fed—the Jenny Lake Rangers supplied a wonderful barbecue and cookies! On the Thursday, the crew found themselves on an epic hike to Holly Lake and cleaned drains to prevent erosion on their way back to the trailhead. It was a wonderful week complete with two bear sightings: a lone black bear up Paintbrush Canyon and a sow with two cubs near Jenny Lake.

YCP takes attention to detail seriously!