This week started off hot and dry, but the YCP team got their feet wet by beginning construction to replace a rotten footbridge by the Bradley Lake outlet. This bridge is essential in the spring when the lake is high and the area becomes marshy. The crew peeled 80 feet of logs with draw knives and leveled out the base sills for the bottom of the footbridge. On their hike to this demanding project, the YCP teens learned about the importance of native plants in the Bradley Lake area through an educational plant walk with local naturalist, Jean Jorgenson. The following day the team replaced 100 yards of rotten fence with new buck-and-rail fence on park property.
Some YCP team members take a quick break for the camera while working hard at Bradley Lake
On Thursday, the rain came and the crew made their way to Death Canyon. They cleaned drains and brushed limbs that were hanging into the trail. The rain poured down for most of the day, but spirits remained high and the group was able to improve 6 miles of trail. At the end of the day one of the teens made a great discovery; a bird’s nest was carefully hidden in some vegetation near their work site. The team thoroughly enjoyed seeing the nestlings and ensured that the tiny birds remained safe and undisturbed. “It was a pretty wet day, but seeing the baby birds in the tree made me forget about the rain. It was an awesome rainy day.” –Caroline
Unobstructed Teton views are just one perk of this summer job
Thanks to the YCP team for another fantastic week. They have already accomplished so much and it is only week two! Follow our blog for Trail Talk updates every Friday.