Wyoming Voices Support of Permanently Conserving the Kelly Parcel -GierauMike

Town of Jackson Commemorates Kelly Parcel Acquisition with Official Proclamation

Kelly Parcel Aerial_Grand Teton National Park Foundation


WHEREAS, Jackson, Wyoming is surrounded by unparalleled natural beauty and resources; and

WHEREAS, Jackson is a gateway town to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, which provide outdoor recreation to millions of visitors and locals alike; and

WHEREAS, members of the Jackson community, together with other lovers of nature across this country, take their role as stewards of this land seriously and with an active hand; and

WHEREAS, a 640-acre tract of land was to be sold for $100 million, and together with the $62.4 million from the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, the remainder would need to come from private philanthropic funds; and

WHEREAS, the Grand Teton National Park Foundation campaigned tirelessly for contributions to support the purchase of the 640-acre Kelly Parcel; and

GTNPF Board Member Rob Wallace, GTNPF Vice President of Partnership Projects Ryan Kelly, GTNPF President Leslie Mattson, and Jackson Mayor Arne Jorgenson celebrate the official proclamation honoring the Kelly parcel purchase.
GTNPF Board Member Rob Wallace, GTNPF Vice President of Partnership Projects Ryan Kelly, GTNPF President Leslie Mattson, and Jackson Mayor Arne Jorgenson celebrate the official proclamation honoring the Kelly parcel purchase.

WHEREAS, conservation funders include the National Park Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through Walmart’s Acres for America Program, and the Jackson Hole Land Trust; and

WHEREAS, nearly 400 donors from 46 states contributed gifts ranging from $10 to $15 million to raise the $37.6 million needed to complete the purchase; and

WHEREAS, on December 30, 2024 the purchase was complete meaning critical wildlife habitat was protected permanently and a key migration corridor for pronghorn, elk, and bison was protected at last.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, I, Arne Jorgensen, Mayor of the Town of Jackson, on behalf of the Jackson Town Council wish to thank all of the organizations and private donors who made the purchase of the 640-acre Kelly Parcel possible and express our appreciation for their generosity, ensuring the protection of this exceptional land for future generations.



By: Arne Jorgensen, Mayor

Riley Hovorka, Town Clerk

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