Invisible Boundaries: Exploring Yellowstone’s Great Animal Migrations, created by the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Cody, Wyoming, is an interdisciplinary museum exhibition that will be on display from June 1 through August 19 at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. This exhibit combines science and the arts to explore the movement of wildlife in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The focal story of Yellowstone’s elk migrations illustrate why this seasonal phenomenon is important not only ecologically, but also economically and culturally.
The Foundation is proud to be one of the sponsors who helped bring this exhibit to Jackson. Be sure to stop by the museum this summer to experience Invisible Boundaries. For more information on this unique exhibit, visit here.
The Foundation is proud to be one of the sponsors who helped bring this exhibit to Jackson. Be sure to stop by the museum this summer to experience Invisible Boundaries. For more information on this unique exhibit, visit here.