BEAR-RESISTANT FOOD STORAGE BOXES: Conserving Black and Grizzly Bears
To minimize the possibility of grizzly and black bears acquiring human food, GTNPF has partnered with GTNP to purchase and install bear-resistant food storage boxes in all front-country campsites and picnic areas throughout the park. Bears that become conditioned to seek human foods pose a risk to the safety of park visitors and often need to be trapped and relocated or, in some cases, removed from the population. Since the onset of this effort in 2008, the Foundation has funded the purchase and installation of over 600 bear boxes, helping to keep Grand Teton’s bears wild. In 2022, our goal is to provide another annual increment of fifty-two food storage boxes, getting us closer to helping the park meet their goal of having a bear box in all front-country campgrounds and picnic areas.