In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and
the 10th anniversary of the Wild and Scenic designation of the headwaters of the Snake River, Grand Teton
National Park Foundation is launching a multi-year campaign that will transform three popular river access
points—Moose Landing, Pacific Creek Landing, and Jackson Lake Dam. Working in partnership with Grand
Teton National Park, Snake River Gateways will address inadequate facilities and environmental damage to
better connect people with this magnificent resource.
The project will enhance and refine the experience at each launch site. By improving the flow of people and
watercraft, reclaiming sensitive natural areas, building capacity to address safety, and creating spaces for
visitors of all abilities, Snake River Gateways will foster a greater appreciation for and advance stewardship of
one of the most iconic waterways in the West. Work at the three locations will be guided by the Wild and Scenic
Snake River Management Plan and reflect the designation’s standard for these rivers of distinction, including
preservation of free-flowing conditions and water quality, as well as universal access and opportunities to
connect with the river.
To date, the Foundation has secured $2 million toward the preliminary fundraising goal of $6 million. When
combined with at least $2 million from the National Park Service, private philanthropy will provide a margin
of excellence that would not be possible otherwise.
Learn more and support this effort by visiting
Project Priorities
-Restoration and protection of shoreline habitats
-Educational elements to inspire mindful discovery and stewardship
-Functional improvements that prioritize safety, separate user groups, and support visitors and
recreationists of all abilities
-Added capacity to address resource protection and safety through volunteer Snake River Ambassadors
Projected Construction Timeline
-2019 – Design and planning
-2020 – Pacific Creek Landing
-2021 – Jackson Lake Dam
-2022 – Moose Landing